We are God’s Light
Transforming Lives for a Future with Hope!
Our priority is to strategically create and manage initiatives that fall within the scope of Jesus Christ’s ‘Great Commission’ of Matthew 28:18-20; for the betterment, healing and transformation of lives.
Get Involved
Be part of this life transformation by getting involved, pray, speak out, and take action. You are part of this global family with your immeasurable supports we can count on.

Donation Or
Our lofty goals will practically be realized with the help you are sending our way. As we devote our attention passionately in taking care of the most sensitive and peculiar needs of those in penury, your donation will go a long way in providing aid, food, clean water and medical supports.

Become A Campaigner
Be part of those who take a stand for what they belief in on real issues of life. Stand up and speak out as God’s light for the change we desire in our world. It is time to help those in need. Be a voice to the voiceless.

Volunteering And Participating
It can be a rewarding and a useful life experience taking up a role in a way you have not imagined by being a volunteer and a participant.

Support Our Online Store
Click on the online store to purchase gift items. The profits generated are re-invested directed into Am Healed to help fund projects and support our programs.
We aspire to be the ‘salt and light of the world’, as Jesus Christ commanded His followers to be.
Download and listen to this miraculous song and believe that you are healed in JESUS name…
Who we are
‘Am Healed’ is a Global Christian faith-based Charity organization which specializes in the welfare of needy people. We tailor our activities towards the less privileged, focusing on vulnerable children and families, especially orphans and 1-parent families, and providing emergency relief through food, shelter and clothing. We aspire to be the ‘salt and light of the world’, as Jesus Christ commanded His followers to be. Our prayer, no matter what religion, race, tribe or creed a person may be, is for their physical, spiritual, social and emotional healing, wholeness and well-being.

To actively witness the love of Jesus Christ to the disadvantaged, hurting or those in despair, by being His hands and feet.
To help provide emergency basic necessities for those in need.
To bring relief to people afflicted either by poverty, conflict or disaster.
To be actively involved in Community Development by helping to promote advocacy for the general well-being and independence of those less privileged.
To attest to the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a way that encourages people to accept Him as their personal Lord and Saviour.
To create a public awareness that leads to tolerance, understanding, prayers and peaceful co-existence.
Other Corporate Responsibilities
Support education programmers which are the bedrock of a transformed life.
Ensure that clean water remain accessible to everyone as a basic life necessities.
To support food security through livestock and farming initiatives that encourages farmers.
vulnerable families.
Grow in Grace
We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God and the solution for every life issue. Our commitment to holistic transformation is the fundamentally important approach with which we seek to impact the world we live in. Our hope is that it will result in spiritual growth towards maturity and promote independent living.
We designed the “ Grow in Grace” program to redirect the people back to God and grow in grace in their lives We believe individuals attending these classes will go through a recovery phase of life learning basic life skills from a practical Biblical perceptive
We live in a society full of people who don’t know the basic tenets of Christianity or the redemptive story the scripture tell. Their view is distorted, and so they are biased even before we start a conversation. This profound challenge within the broader culture elicits the motivation to share the Good News of the Lord in a simple but, most effective way we can.
This strategic platform has begun to take place with programs and events of traditional outreach to more organic forms of cultural engagement. At the heart of it is a desire to heed Jesus’ command to go into the world and make disciples.
Physical Health and well-being.